Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Two Trailer Park Girls Go 'Round The Outside

"The dead arose and appeared to many"

That's probably a missquote but it's 5am and i don't care.

Have spent the past two weeks trying to learn how to snatch again. It is progressing slowly.

Have been doing lots of work around 85% mostly because i don't seem to be able to make anything heavier.

Yesterday i 'suceeded' with 102kg which is the most i've snatched since i hit 110kg 2 weeks ago, 100kg has been a serious voodoo weight and the snatch in general has been trying my patience, 100kg is a weight that i would normally take for granted, hell, i've powersnatched it.


many singles at 90/95/98 and a jump to 102, the funny thing is that everything is easy, i'm just out of the groove.

I suspect dumping an enormous amount of squat volume on myself is the culprit. (derp)

Snatch Pulls
105kg 3 x 3

Clean to different heights with pause the riding it down
90kg 5 x 3

Front Squats
3 x 3

Lat Pulls

Last Night

took it very handy

Clean and Jerk
up to 120kg
racked and failed to stand with 125kg 3 times.

Same clean exercise as yesterday
90kg 3 x 3

Pull Ups
3 x 5


Am backing of squats completely for a few weeks and will hopefully be sharper for dublin open and not embarass myself completely.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Techno Techno Techno Heaven


Snatched up to a fail @ 90 i think

5 singles at 80

Up to a fail @120

Five single in 8 attempts @ 110

Squatted up to 180


up to 3 fails @ 92.5
singles @ 80

Clean and Jerk
up to 110, failed the jerk @ 115

up to a fail @ 120

waved back up to 117.5

3 x 2 @ 100
2 x 2 @ 110 failed the second rep of the second double

up to 180

took 185 but jumped out from under it when i started to twist

Close Grip Bench
up to a handy single at 130

3 x 8 @ a ton.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Light Day

What's that some kind of tampon?

Many many many atempts
hit 90 a few times
92.5 a few times
missed 97.5 and 95 a lot.

Some nice doubles aswell

Fucking Eureka moments all over the place
120kg 2 x 1 for a 5kg PR and there's loads to come in the next few weeks, very excite.

up to 180 again. To the floor. Absolutely buried them.

Chins, Rev Hypers, Abz etc.

Was bleeding all over the bar from about the midpoint of the session on, i need to file my calouses more often.

Great Day. Tally Ho

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I gotta take it on the otherside



kept it lightish.
took it up to 85
then back to 80 for some singles failed the 4th? behing me and was like, ya fuck it.
verrrry slow under the bar today.

lol, not happening

My SI is in tatters, i can kinda pop it in throughout the session but that's pretty stupid.

For some Reason i decided squatting would help

40kg x5
80kg x5
110kg x3
130kg x3
140kg x3
160kg x1
170kg x1
180kg x1

It was getting to the stage where the hardest part was bending over to pick up plates, which i generally take as a sign not to push the reps :)

I walked out 190 and was like, naaaaaaw

Push Press
40kg x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3
95kg x3
100kg x2

Power Jerked 110 for a triple then and called it there, once again SI is notta so good.

Standing Press
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
65kg x 5
70kg x 5

Gym closed.

Knee sleeves lady was in. Om nom nom.

I'll give the back a week, if it doesn't settle i'll get it fixed. (by give it a week i mean i'l train obv.)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

PR Saturday


Snatch 95 for a 5kg PR


Clean 115 for a 5 kg PR


Fuck you influenza.

I think i'm getting the hang of this weightlifting business. It's way more satisfying than powerlifting.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Down with the Sickness


Seems everyone is either injured or sick or both like me 'cause i'm special :/

up to a handy double at 70 and was told to stop before i died.

Was not well at all. No way could i continue snatching or try clean so i did what any self repecting ex-powerlifter would do and i benched.

Close Grip
bar 3 x 10
60kg 3 x 5
80kg 2 x 5
100kg x 5
110kg x 3
115kg x 3
120kg x 3
125kg x 1
100kg x 10
100kg x 7-3

I kinda miss benching, or at least miss being good at it.

Standing DB Press
15kg 18kg 20kg 24kg dbs all x 8

Single Arm Fat Grip DB Clean and Press
up to the 50kg dumbell for reps

To quote big ron "reps is no joke"

i think i got 7 reps each cleaned on the 50

then 5 the second set.

Was basically delirious at this stage.

Seated DB Press (reckon it's at least a year since i pressed seated or with DBs.

24kg dbs x 8
28kg dbs x 8
30kg dbs 3 x 5
35kg dbs x 5


I really wish they'd buy me a plate-loadable circus dumbell. The fat grips dont fit on some of the dumbells very well. And there 7kg jumps after the 50s which is ridiculous. Also i'm half afraid to go over 50 since i broke the 63kg :/

Last Night

Felt like crap but was a great session

50kg 3 x 2
60kg 3 x 2
65kg x 2
70kg x2 missed second behind
75kg x 1
77.5kg 2 x 1
80kg 5 x 1
85kg 3 x 1
87.5kg x 1
90kg x 1
95kg 3 x 0

My stupid pubis yoke was still sore.


60kg 2 x 2
70kg 2 x 2
80kg 4 x 2
85kg x 2
90kg x 1
95kg x 1
100kg x 1 and jerked it
90kg 5 x 1
100kg x 1
102.5kg x 1 lower back/SI flared up again.

Worked up to a single at 140 in 6minutes on the front squat.

I think i might start squatting on a non-lifting day, i havn't had 200kg plus on anything in like a month and a half?