Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Two Trailer Park Girls Go 'Round The Outside

"The dead arose and appeared to many"

That's probably a missquote but it's 5am and i don't care.

Have spent the past two weeks trying to learn how to snatch again. It is progressing slowly.

Have been doing lots of work around 85% mostly because i don't seem to be able to make anything heavier.

Yesterday i 'suceeded' with 102kg which is the most i've snatched since i hit 110kg 2 weeks ago, 100kg has been a serious voodoo weight and the snatch in general has been trying my patience, 100kg is a weight that i would normally take for granted, hell, i've powersnatched it.


many singles at 90/95/98 and a jump to 102, the funny thing is that everything is easy, i'm just out of the groove.

I suspect dumping an enormous amount of squat volume on myself is the culprit. (derp)

Snatch Pulls
105kg 3 x 3

Clean to different heights with pause the riding it down
90kg 5 x 3

Front Squats
3 x 3

Lat Pulls

Last Night

took it very handy

Clean and Jerk
up to 120kg
racked and failed to stand with 125kg 3 times.

Same clean exercise as yesterday
90kg 3 x 3

Pull Ups
3 x 5


Am backing of squats completely for a few weeks and will hopefully be sharper for dublin open and not embarass myself completely.