Monday, February 28, 2011

Two trailer park girls go 'round the outside

Smolovs Back....

took 210 as my max because i don't really want to die.

Day 1
147.5kg 4 x 9

Rough ass back pump, to the point where i had to bench feet up!

You can't stop me motherfucker coz i'm on a bloat.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I've lifted twice since Sunday

Both sessions were pretty dire.

Got some decent row volume in friday andd benched the crap out of it yesterday.

Nothing even remotely related to ME.

Should be back making some attempt at proper training next week, once i get my head back into it the rest will follow.

Im thinking of trying out Chad Wesley Smiths programming template, but it's a fairly long term commitment to make to a program. I'll see.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


...... no i didn't draw anything.


What you know bout hookin' bananas fool?

Loooooooooooooads of Powersnatches. Including a very reasonable 80, caught standing :/

Also, managed to hit quite a few full snatches in the first wave.

Second wave...not so much

Oh how i wish i could snatch properly.

Post WO, i got my fish on.

I heart EpicMealTime.

I'm a God Mother F*cker.

Comp Yesterday

602.5kg @ 104kg Junior.



125x LOL/130/140 Smoked

230/242.5/250x :(

I wanted 250 baaaad, wasn't there on the day, it'll come.

Friday, February 18, 2011

If you smell what the Wok is cooking...

Bloat Bloat Bloat Bloat Bloat Bloat Bloat Bloat

Weighed in @104.1kg... Ger Mac scares me.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bitch, Fo' Serious?

Rather unpleasant lowerback DOMs today :/

I guess massively high volume snatching 3 days from a PL comp isn't the smartest.

I went to the greasiest dump i could find today for a Pre-dinner meal.

Me: "can i have a taco chips please"
Fat Lady:"No loooove we've no taco"
(what the actual fuck is taco?)
Me:"Can i have a garlic and cheese chip so please"
Fat Lady: "d'ya want salt an vinegar on your chips loooove"

I Hit her with my *bitch are you actually for real face*

That'll learn her.

I mean honestly Salt and Vinegar on Garlic Sauce and Cheese.

Do i look like my second name's waaaaaaaaaaa?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fuck you i won't do what you tell me

Deloading can bite me.

Power Snatch to Snatch Balance
basically worked up from the bar to 70oddkg in 5 and 2.5kg jumps

Power snatch
Worked up to 80ish
went back to 60 and worked up to 70odd

Somebody who actually knows what they're doing arrived and i failed loads of random weights trying to take his cues on board.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Morning Glory

High Undercaffeinated

Some x a few

80kg x 5
90kg x 5
100kg x 5
110kg 4 x 5 Haaaaaaaaaaaaandy.

I imagine rowing with deadlift bar is on a par with riding sandpaper.

Shift her Sideways

Soo, about Last Night Ya

My favourite part was when one side of body did exactly the opposite of what it should have been doing.

That's a 60kg Sotts press of sorts.... I'm clearly class :/

Did ~17quadrillion Powersnatches

Some Continental Axl Stuff

and Some Hang Cleans

I'm the best deloader ever.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I actually trained twice friday

Completely forgot.

It was forgettable too.

Push Jerks
3 hours before the pulls, Seriously my documents for change of nationality are in the post.
worked up to 5 fails at 125 all of which were very very painful.

How ghey is that?

Channeling Dimas

Snatch Balances
Drop Snatches
PowerSnatches worked up to 77.5kg for a good few singles.

First time i've ever "got" how to snatch kind of properly.

Some Benches

Rotator Guff.

Ctrl + Alt + Function

Last Night

Worked up to 210x 1 misload should abeen 200.

High Pulls
x a million.

One Handed Awesomeness

Some Dude: "what's the point of single arm deads?"
Me: "it's a great assistance exercise for my genetics"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Just saw three contestants on Britains Fattest Waster doing what amounts to correcting a slight pelvic tilt and calling in a squat.

Went to my local sadist to get my shoulder looked at.

I definitely have a shoulder.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

245 from Friday... Slow but solid, solid is good.

I'm thinking 230/250/???? profit

The last shall be first and the first shall be GAA players

I appear to have updated this arseways.


here's my shoulder after squatting

I know what you're thinking.

"greatest genticiswolism EVER"

Awesome width aside i clearly have some issue with compensating for my tiny penis.

No wait.

um... shoulder ya, you can see by the marking on the left and the height difference between each side that bar placement is off etc. blah fuckity blah i should really do more direct arm work

Last Night I Nearly Died

Remember Duke Special, kinda like an unfunny Tim Minchin.

Weekend was good to me.

Friday saw a 245kg pull
Saturday saw a 93% triple. 195kg x 3 Squat, followed by an amazing amount of GMs

Last Night Saw VI

My shoulder is very unwell, as i keep telling anyone within ear shot.

I decided what with being 2 weeks from comp that i should work up to my squat opener to see if i could handle the pain that results, just enough to bench a token 130ish

Worked up to 200, which felt awful.

Rolled around on th e ground for a while, did 4 wram up reps and hit 130 handy on the bench.

By handy i obviously mean while lying in the fetal position weeping into my tiny crotch.

Did 27million facepulls and fucked off home for chicken.

Actually funny story.

I was standing beside the cable machine inbetween sets of Facepulls, doing a bit of leaning.

Reasonably okay thing to do, however i found myself at one point holding one of those mini EZ attachments and wondering if i could get away with clocking the gaa head doing bicep preacher curls on one of the only benches in the place.

Wait thats not funny, that's worrying. I blame my training partner (ooooooh im a laaaydee) he's not right in the face at all i think it's contagious.


Apparently it's so long since i got the jump that i now have a blog.

At least it'll save anyone unfortunate enough to befriend me on facebook from having to read my drivelings.

My shoulder is fucked.

However in the spirit of getting massive, not de-loading, and having no descernable programming template i decide to train anyway.

Axl Get Overhead
worked up to 85kg double OH
constant pain, switched to continental, lasted 2 more reps as far as 100kg and called it, which is probably the smartest thing i've done in a while.

Wandered about looking for something to do that wasn't excruciating painful.

Pendlay Rows
worked up to 90kg for 20 sets of 5 reps

I started getting worried around the 13th set, i was sure i was going to explode with swole and smack sombody with some of the resultant hypertrophy.

Token Rotgaytor Cuff Work